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Hey, I’m Vishwesh Thonte

I’m a developer, writer, and creator. I work at Urspayce as a Software Engineer. You've discovered my piece on the internet it seems.
I research about technology and aspects of human life.


Fraktal NFT Marketplace

Fraktal is a web3 based protocol established by Fraktal DAO, Beautiful, Handcrafted and digital items with precious memories can be Minted to Blockchain using this webapp.




Play Placeholdertech

File Metadata Analyser

An API to get the Metadata details of an uploaded file. Used Multer library to upload file.



Url Shortner

A minimal URL- Shortner API created using Nodejs, Express and MongoDB.





Time Microservice

A Time microservice made with Nodejs, Express and hosted on replit. This was built as part of API and Backend Ceritification course by Freecodecamp






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Upcoming Projects

Vscode Resume

More projects coming soon..

I get ideas all day 🙄, All of them are updated here as soon as I start working on them.



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    Competitive Programming 🏆

    Successfully solved a problem in Google Kickstart!. Got a strong grip on Competitive Programming.

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    Full-Stack Applications 🚀

    Started freelancing, developed full-stack applications and got paid for working in open-source projects.

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    Earned swags from Google🏆

    This Year I registered for two Challenges by google, 30 days of Google cloud and Google Learn to Earn. Completed both the programmes and learned GCP technologies with hands-on labs on Google Cloud.


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    Joined Accenture 🎉

    Joined Accenture as a Software Development Engineer. Working on their client projects. Completed 6 months of stream training. Learned various Full Stack Concepts. Had to clear multiple exams to get graduation.

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    Stream Training Graduation ✨

    Accenture had a mini graduation for all the new joinees. We helped each other with studies and made new friends. It was fun.


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    Placements - Got Placed ✨

    Had 2 offers in Hand. 1 On-Campus and 1 Off-Campus in the Software Developer roles.

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    Completed 7 months Internship✨

    Worked as a game tester in Globalstep where I was first introduced to corporate world. Got to know work ethics, shift timings, deadlines and I was more responsible when I came out.

Want to hire me as a freelancer? Let's discuss.

Drop your message and let's discuss about your project.

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